Topic Reflection

Hate crime is an issue which is being committed in our communities very often. It started happening even more after the president Donald Trump’s election campaigns. For example, after Donald trump’s degrading comments on LGBTQ, immigrants, Mexicans, and females, and Muslims; many of his supporters also became blind to the extent they weren’t able to identify between right and wrong. Hence, they started attacking these group of individuals either physically or emotionally. Hate crimes results in negative impacts on those people and communities as well. It creates boundaries and differences between people which don’t go down well. After Trump’s one after other allegations on those groups of people, it didn’t go down that well between his supporter’s vs the rest. Those allegations made people amongst the targeted groups insecure and scared because they knew they are not safe. For example, Mexicans were afraid of people assuming they are in this country illegally whereas Muslims are scared of being attacked because they are labeled as “terrorist”. When I hear about attacks on Muslims, it affects me personally because it makes me scared for my parents when they go outside but especially for my mom since she wears the Hijab. When I see or hear people thinking that Muslims are a threat, it makes me scared because not all Muslims are bad the way certain media and the society portray us to the world. Therefore, hate crime should be taken seriously and when it occurs, we shouldn’t justify their actions with other reasons but rather identify where their frustration is coming from and try to educate them on the matter.